Sunday, February 2, 2014

Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro,[1] also known as "Pirate Hunter Zoro",[5] is apirate[3] and a former bounty hunter[4].
He was the first member to join the Straw Hat Pirates, and, to date, is considered the largest threat and most dangerous member in the crew after Luffy. His fame as a master swordsmanand his great strength, along with the actions of his captain, sometimes led others to believe he was the true captain of the crew earlier on.[12] He is one of the top three fighters in the crew alongside Luffy and Sanji, and his dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world.[13] Zoro was regarded as one of "The Eleven Supernovas", the eleven rookie pirates with bounties over Beli100,000,000 to have reached the Red Line before the two year time skip, with a current bounty of Beli120,000,000.[14]

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